There are signs all over the place. My trousers all all too tight. There are three loads of washing on the floor next to the washing machine. Dust everywhere. Boxes in the hallway that need breaking down and recycling. The library books are overdue. I ate a whole bag of Choco Crunchy for breakfast, in the Aldi carpark. There’s no face wash left. My eyebrows need threading. And last night I protested and whined as Mr Bell insisted we change the sheets at 11pm. I’d broken a jiffy bag at 9.30am and accidentally spread that nasty grey filling over the bed. Worryingly I could see nothing wrong in sleeping amongst grey fluff. It’s kind of fitting. It’s how I feel. A bit grey and fuzzy and horizontal.
Why has the Bell household gone to ruin? Well, I have a deadline. It’s self imposed. No-one is making me complete anything. But I know the deadline is there, it stares at me. Mocks me. I feel like a teenager again, trying to avoid revising, though this time it’s rather more eating too much and perusing the Daily Mail gossip section online as displacement activities, than reading Adrian Mole novels and searching for blackheads. God alone knows how teenagers with access to the internet get any revision done at all. They are all clearly geniuses.
Here’s a lazy recipe as if to prove my lazy ass state.
I made some of my brownies and added in a good handful of banana chips. See I told you it was a lazy recipe. Now, where’s that 5th bag of Choco Crunchys?
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You have a lot going on in your life, I sympathise and relate to most of it! Still you can create brilliant recipe ideas so you’re doing something right……banana chips are a very good idea!
these look divine. having people to stay soon so will definitely try these out. thanks. i am a normal mum too – blogging about cooking with kids. becca
Mmm these brownies look so fudgy and delicious! Love the white chocolate in them too.
Mmmmmm, look yummy Holly!
I would love it if you had a look at my blog….
Becky xxx
It’s strange the displacement activities we can find isn’t it. Mine is cleaning the bathroom, a job I hate. But now I’ve got the Internet I can look up all the ways to get it really clean and not have to actually do that either! Love the banana chips in the brownies. GG
Oh at least you found some time to bake brownies – very important! They sound delicious, never would have thought of adding banans – great idea!
Yup, this state sounds familiar. I spent nearly six months like it last year!! Hope the end is in sight!
Almost Sarah, almost! x
Until I got to the second paragraph I thought you were announcing you were pregnant again Holly! :-)
Good luck with the deadline, I’m sure you’ll manage it and we’ll all look forward to the result.
It feels a little like that…!! x
I’m intrigued, what’s the deadline for…? And love the look of those brownies – banana? Inspired.
Ebook, recipes for a mystery brand, bread worksheet for classes and business plan for a cafe. Arghhhhhh! (Silent screaming.) Xx Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange