There’s probably nothing I love more than the combination of some form of crispy potato with a perfectly cooked fried egg. Perhaps it’s a throwback from childhood when egg and chips was a ‘treat’ meal. READ MORE
There’s probably nothing I love more than the combination of some form of crispy potato with a perfectly cooked fried egg. Perhaps it’s a throwback from childhood when egg and chips was a ‘treat’ meal. READ MORE
January is almost drawing to a close and it feels colder by the day to me. The heating is cranked up, Christmas is long gone, the winter woollies are well and truly on and gloves are de rigueur upon setting foot outside. It’s what my late grandmother would have called ‘bracing’. Weather to clear the cobwebs away, weather to demand wellingtons and of course, weather to demand roasted meats and veg. READ MORE
My university pals came to stay. We did that thing everyone does at Christmas with their family, where we all revert to our childhood script. Except we reverted to our young adult script.
I was always a young fogey, hating clubs and absinthe. So just like back in 1999, I sent organisational emails, picked people up from the railway station, called cabs and booked tables. I also cooked the food. I spent much of my free student time moaning that I was REALLY BUSY whilst avoiding bending the spine of the one book I had to read per week (yes, I studied English) by cooking big roast chicken dinners with all the trimmings. (Three types of potatoes anyone? Essential in my book).
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