I made these to be sold at the school sports day. We’re raising money. Well, we’re always raising money aren’t we? It’s what Mums do.
I made these to be sold at the school sports day. We’re raising money. Well, we’re always raising money aren’t we? It’s what Mums do.
Can I admit I am slightly scared? I am getting very big and very pregnant now and whilst the birth looms large in my head it’s not that which spreads fear across my shoulders, serving them to rise up. Nope. It’s that I won’t be doing much of this anymore. Much sitting at my desk, staring into the garden whilst the boys are at school and playschool, typing away, writing up blog posts, recipes, my newsletter – the things I enjoy doing so much. I often listen to Radio 4 at my desk, with a hot cup of tea. Is it wrong to be mourning these daily treats already? I’m not naive. I know it’ll be mighty busy but do you think there might be time for half an hour a day? Who am I trying to kid… On to the recipe.
NB: Photography by Minal at Minal Photography.
One year ago: Lemon animal biscuits and Oatmeal & fudge cookies and 5 ways with the humble Victoria sponge
Two years ago: Octonauts cupcakes and Walnut, fudge and fleur de sel biscuits
Three years ago: Mutter paneer and Hot cross biscotti
Banana & toffee muffins
Makes 6
Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6 and line a 6 hole muffin tray with cases. Wait until the oven has preheated before starting as these muffins are very quick to make and any mixture with baking powder in doesn’t like to sit about ready mixed for too long.
Mix together the flour, sugar and baking powder in a bowl and stir well. In a jug mix together the egg, milk and oil – beat lightly with a fork and then pour over the dry ingredients. Use the fork to stir until just combined. Add the mashed banana and stir again lightly. Lastly pour the toffee sauce over the muffin mixture and swirl though with a spoon, gently and not too vigorously. Over beating this muffin mixture results in a tough muffin!
Spoon into the cases equally until almost full, then bake for 25 – 30 minutes until browned and risen. Don’t worry if areas of the muffin are a little lower then others – this will be where there’s a pool of toffee sauce. Enjoy warm or cold and eat within 3 days. These freeze well if you can’t get through them in time.
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