I absolutely adore the combination of sweet and savoury. Pineapple on my pizza, chutney in my toasted sandwiches, and even chocolate covering my pretzels, and here, mango and raisins in my coronation chicken.
I absolutely adore the combination of sweet and savoury. Pineapple on my pizza, chutney in my toasted sandwiches, and even chocolate covering my pretzels, and here, mango and raisins in my coronation chicken.
It was Lawrence’s birthday last week. He turned the grand old age of two. Now, when my first born son turned two I remember staying up half the night (despite having an office job that started at about 7.45am every day) modelling a cake into a train shape, making perfect snacks and filling carefully thought out party bags.
I keep my week days busy. If I’m working from home then lunch is grabbed at the kitchen table whilst I tap away, writing up a new recipe. If it’s a non ‘working’ day where I look after Lawrence (almost 2) then lunch is again grabbed at the kitchen table, though my attention is on my pint sized company. Lawrence is very chatty these days, so as soon as the food is served he wants to sit next to me and chat away about his morning and of course, what he’s eating. We don’t have time to mess about. Delicious, nutritious food is needed fast!
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