So, let’s not beat around the bush. Prunes are a food most of us associate with keeping us, ahem, regular. They’re high in fibre, meaning that eating just 100g of prunes a day will keep your bowels functioning normally.
So, let’s not beat around the bush. Prunes are a food most of us associate with keeping us, ahem, regular. They’re high in fibre, meaning that eating just 100g of prunes a day will keep your bowels functioning normally.
I am ashamed to say I have been meaning to publish this recipe since about 2015 which is rather embarrassing. I mean, everyone has a to do list but to write something up 3 years late is tardy even by my standards. I have no excuse really other than it just sat there in my drafts, looking at me. Mocking me at times.
Well this is just a very simple curry (simple – well I guess it has a lot of ingredients but it is simple in that this is really not a difficult recipe and is hard to balls up – put it this way, I can make this whilst also doing the packed lunches for the next day and browsing Instagram stories which are my own perfectly curated TV programme).
Here I am again with a curry recipe. This time it’s a chicken and spinach curry. I don’t pretend that any of my curries are authentic in any way, they are my very Holly-style interpretation of curry. A childhood spent growing up in Leicester, eating the odd biryani and then frankly OD-ing in my teens and twenties. I do love a curry and this chicken and spinach curry is one of my favourites. It’s easy, which is just the way I like my cooking to be.
I think I’m on some kind of curry marathon at the moment. I can’t get enough of the stuff. And beef curry is something I adore, especially when combined with my all time favourite carbohydrate, sweet potato. Together we have a delicious beef and sweet potato curry that’s perfect for a week night supper or for a special having friends over kind of occasion.
Gosh I know a chicken and pineapple curry is probably about as Marmite as a recipe comes. But bear with me. I am, admittedly, a woman who orders pineapple on her pizza and chucks sultanas into any tagine, curry or stew I can explain them away in. I’m not a hugely cakey person; I choose to consume my fruity sugar in savoury form.
Good evening to you on this fine Thursday of the summer holidays. Two observations today. One being that I am raising a gaggle of boys for whom watching an animated Giant steal a small orphaned child and then catch dreams together falls just short of keeping their attention. I blame Pixar.
I’m hoping the coconut haters will forgive me. This is unashamedly coconutty, this coconut chicken curry, the clue as ever being in the name. And I am afraid there is no substitute I can recommend. I also feel the need to apologise for the appearance of this curry. It’s not a looker. But it does make up for its looks in flavour. I made this for friends and it was gobbled up.
Pressure cookers eh? What do you make of them? Up until this summer I’d always been slightly scared of them; the hissing sound, the old scare stories of exploding pans from the 60’s, the locking of the pan… They were not for me.
Then in July I got the chance to use one. Except it wasn’t any old pressure cooker, it was one that plugs in, rather than sits on your stove top, and is was all whizzy and had different buttons for different foods. I set to work to have a play and this beef rogan josh was just one of the recipes that sprung out of the Pressure King Pro by the end of the day.
Every so often I make a recipe and pop a pic up on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and despite me thinking it looks a bit of a mess, people seem to like the sound of it.
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