Well, sugar free pancakes that is until you add maple syrup in bucket loads. These pancakes will save you from the summer holidays. These and a glass of wine and perhaps a bit of screen time.
Well, sugar free pancakes that is until you add maple syrup in bucket loads. These pancakes will save you from the summer holidays. These and a glass of wine and perhaps a bit of screen time.
I have two lovely things for you. One is this excellent recipe for halva jelly by Sumayya Usmani from Mountain Berries and Desert Spice (published by Frances Lincoln, an imprint of The Quarto Group). The other thing I have is a copy of this delightful book to giveaway. For details on how to get your mitts on the book scroll to the bottom of the post.
I’ve decided I need to post more recipes. Usually I try for one a week. That seems a fair amount what with work, 3 kids, the house, browsing Instagram stories. You know, the usual list of must do activities. The thing is though that I do make an awful lot more than I actually post, like this rhubarb and ginger crumble. And some of these recipes are lost forever for lack of scribbling them down. So think of this as a semi promise of a February resolution to post more recipes, be they quick and easy dishes or even slightly more tricky stuff.
I’m not going to pretend for a moment that this cherry clafoutis is the same as the classic version. (You can find a good recipe here or here). Sometimes though, a version of a recipe, a sort of nod to it, is just about fine. And if cherry clafoutis is what you are craving and you just don’t have a huge amount of time or energy, then this is the recipe for you.
I always feel going out on Valentine’s is a bit strange. I remember as a teen venturing out with my much older boyfriend (erm, me just 17 and him, ahem, 27… how to give your parents minor heart palpitations) and sitting in a restaurant marvelling at how all the couples looked like they hated each other. They sat in silence. Staring into the abyss. Of course now I realise they were probably just tired parents, relieved of their kids of the night.
Unless you’ve been in hiding and avoided all media over the last couple of months (and if you have then I salute you and please can you advise me how this was made possible), you’ll be aware of the Olympics taking place in Rio at the mo. I thought you might like a little taste of Rio in your own kitchen and so have a couple of recipes up my sleeve including this passion fruit mousse.
The boys are off for their annual holiday this week without us. I am both excited (yes, for them, but also at the prospect of having time to paint the stairs, sleep in and, well, drink Aperol spritz and the like) and worried about missing them.
Pressure cooker cheesecake? Yes, yes and yes.
Now I know pressure cookers generally are used for making stews and other such savoury items, but time has moved on. (Obviously they are still excellent for hot pots and curries etc). I want you to consider for a second the prospect of a really creamy, perfectly cooked baked cheesecake without the 4 hour faff. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to…. (drum roll) pressure cooker cheesecake. Not only that, I made this particular one the chocolate variety. Because I am nice like that.
Today I am giving you not only a recipe for mixed berry parfait, but also a recipe that allows you to sing its very name to a Prince song.
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