Recipes from a Normal Mum

Lotus biscuit tiffin

lotus biscuit tiffin

Is it tiffin? Is it chocolate fridge cake? Is it chocolate biscuit cake? Oh who knows! All I know is that this is beyond delicious. I ate some for breakfast this morning and then I ate some for lunch. I am planning on a lot of veggies for my dinner to make up for this behaviour. I don’t promise this is sugar free. In fact I don’t promise anything nutritionally from this recipe. All I will say is that if you are making it in the gargantuan quantities I do then do share the tiffin love.

Now as usual, please if this size of tiffin is too much for you, simply halve it or quarter it. Also, if you don’t have Lotus biscuits (the ones you get for free with coffee), then use other biscuits, I don’t mind. Also if you don’t like or have raisins then use something else – maybe chopped glace cherries or apricots. And if you like nuts, then do feel free to add them. Or marshmallows. Anything goes. Just please don’t troll me about how much you hate raisins/chocolate/biscuits. I have bloggers fatigue over this stuff. I really don’t care. Sorry if that offends anyone. I am tired at the moment and hearing an angsty rant on facebook about how fed up you are OF ALL THESE RECIPES WITH RAISINS makes me want to sleep even more.

I think I just ranted about the possibility of a rant. I apologise. Anyway, enjoy. This is love. (Also, popping candy on top sounds good, no?)

Lots of great recipes like this in my books, Recipes from a Normal Mum, (available on Amazon, at The Works, Waterstones, WHSmith, The Book Depository and many smaller outlets) and The Power of Frozen (available through Amazon)

Last year: Lemon tart, Brazil nut baklava, Coronation chicken, Coriander falafel, Red pepper soup and Lotus bread.

Two year ago: Lemon cupcakes with coconut buttercream, Thai spiced sweet potato, squash and coconut soup, Veggie no meatballs, Back to school rocky roadand Popcorn caramel cheesecake.

Three years ago: Black forest brownies, Double orange choc chip bundt cake,Sunshine cake and Bonfire cupcakes.

Four years ago: Hazelnut cupcakes with Nutella buttercream, Red root reblochon bake and a Simple banana cake.

Five years ago: Cherry tomato frittata, Lemon brioche and Death by chocolate cake.

Six years ago: Tiramisu profiteroles, Drunken cherry brandy mincemeatandMacarons.

Seven years ago: Easy cheesy pasta, Almond coated chicken and Mince pies for mince pie haters.

Lotus biscuit tiffin

Makes 24 squares


Line a tray about 30cm x 20cm (I use this one by Delia which is amazing and also very handy for brownies. Ignore that it’s a swiss tray tin, it is, but it’s versatile) with greaseproof paper.

Melt the butter, golden syrup, milk and dark chocolate in a large saucepan over a very low heat. If you put the butter and syrup in the pan first you should have no issue with burning the chocolate, but if you are worried then use the bain marie method instead.

Remove from the heat and stir through the raisins and broken biscuits (I bash mine with a rolling pin in a plastic bag). Carefully tip into the lined tray and use a piece of greaseproof paper to flatten and level out. Then evenly sprinkle the white chocolate over the top and leave to set for 10 minutes. Then add the stars. Leave to set at room temperature and then cut with a very sharp knife into 24 pieces. (You can set in the fridge but you may get a ‘bloom’ on the chocolate. It’s fine to eat but looks ugly).

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