Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway & review – Nutty Putty

My kids love Fimo. Really love it. They get frustrated with it though, so though they start out playing with it ‘without any help Mummy’, it soon degenerates into me helping to mould a snake/monster/horse/pig. Fimo is fabulous but it is hard on the hands. You need to knead it a little before you use it and even then it can be tricky to use. Probably best suited to older kids and adults.

I was sent some Nutty Putty to review, which is a softer type of modelling material than Fimo. You can use it as you would Play Doh if you like and just keep reusing it. No need to bake it and harden it. Or if the creations made are so wonderful they deserve preserving forever, then you can simply bake it as you would with Fimo. It is oh so soft – my sons were able to use it without any help at all. In fact they could even open the packets alone which might be a first in this house. The colours are bright and there were lots of them; it’s so easy to play with even 1 year old Lawrence was able to have a go. And the set came with a little baking mat to use in the oven which is frankly inspired. Plus cutters to keep.

My boys all love an instruction kit (they are big fans of Lego) so Nutty Putty was right up their street as it had visual step by step instructions to make all manner of creatures. The set we tried was not the one I am giving away but here are their creations (please do rememeber a 1 year old had a heavy hand in many of these!)

Third along on the top is apparently my Dad.

Once baked the resulting creations have not fallen apart (as easily happens with Fimo) and have been played with very much. There’s even a glow in the dark colour in the pack which the boys really liked. Any criticisms? Nutty Putty is a blunter instrument than Fimo. It’s tricky to make anything with really fine detail, but I don’t think this is high on my kids agenda. I would definitely recommend a set to anyone with kids under 12 though.

I have 3 boxes of Mr Men Nutty Putty worth £21.99 (RRP) each to giveaway to three people. There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 26th August 2016. How to enter:

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