Recipes from a Normal Mum

Review & giveaway – Giles & Posner Cake Pop Bundle Maker

I have a giveaway (and a review) for you from Giles & Posner. It’s for a cake pop maker bundle – essentially an electronic cake baker, a prong type fork, 50 cake pop sticks and a cake pop holder. Each ‘bundle’ is worth £39.99 and I have THREE to giveaway.

But first up, do you want to know if they’re any good? Oh go on then… I had a go with one of these bundles so that you don’t have to waste your time/money.

The cake pop baker (the machine bit) is sturdy and reasonably heavy which always feels like a good thing when it comes to baking equipment (I am a lover of big stand mixers after all). It heats up in about 5 minutes which just about gives you time to weigh your ingredients, whizz up the cake mix and have it ready to spoon into the cake pop maker. The cake pops then take about 5 mins to bake – it’s easy to take a peak if you want to though I just left mine for the full 5 minutes and they were perfectly baked. The bottoms were a little browner than the tops (as they come into direct contact with the non stick plate for longer) but the taste was very good. My boys all loved them. The recipe said the mixture made 24 but we managed 30. Maybe I had bigger eggs.

It’s easy to remove the cake pops from the baking machine – the two-pronged fork just spears straight into them and lifts them out (and is to be used for dipping into icing/chocolate/candy melts too). So all in all this was a great solution to a Wednesday night ‘please can we have some pudding Mummy, proper pudding, not just fruit’ question. I’m afraid I didn’t get as far as busting out the Candy Melts to coat the pops as my boys devoured their cake pops still warm and unadorned. And boring Mum bit here – it was super easy to clean. I hate gadgets that are tricky to clean. Hate them.

What did I like? It’s easy to use, the recipe comes included, it’s very fast and the results were tasty. Also, it includes everything you need to make cake pops, so no hunting about for a colander to place the pops in to dry once covered in icing. What didn’t I like? Well, in my book a cake pop that’s just cake isn’t really a cake pop – cake pops are cake crumbs mixed up with icing and rolled into a ball aren’t they? I’m being a pain mentioning this but if I don’t someone else will. Having said that these cake pops are altogether more wholesome and lower in sugar. So really, what am I moaning about? I need to be quiet.

The only other thing that might put me off buying one is that it’s another gadget to add to my kitchen. This is mainly because I am lucky enough to get sent a lot of stuff and I don’t have masses of storage. Having said this, my sons asked when we can make them again as soon as they devoured the first batch. Bit of a hit all in all.

There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 11th December 2015.

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