Recipes from a Normal Mum

Cheese concertina loaf

If you’re looking for something wholesome and share-able for Boxing Day then I think I have it. This is easy to prep, rises and does it’s bready thing whilst you crack on with assembling Lego/locating the purple Quality Street/shouting at the children to be quiet whilst you watch Mary Poppins.

I made a lovely video with the Scoff folks to show off how to make this loaf. You can see the vid on my YouTube channel and also the Scoff one. You can watch it below too.

Lots of great recipes like this in my book, Recipes from a Normal Mum, out now… on Amazon, at Waterstones, WHSmith, The Book Depository and many smaller outlets.

Last December: My slow cooker beef bourguignon pie and Crumble topped mince pies and a very ugly but delicious cranberry & raspberry traybake

Two years ago: Mini Yorkshire pudding canapes and Christmas pudding fizz and Brandy butter icing and Rudolf morsels

Three years ago: Lime meringue pie with chocolate pastry and Christmas scones and Ginger cake with Christmas cottage and Hot chocolate on a stick

Four years ago: Moonuts and Cheese biscuits and Parsnip soup and Inauthentic chicken tagine

Cheese concertina loaf

Makes 1 loaf


Butter a 2lb loaf tin. Make the bread dough by mixing the flour, yeast and salt in a stand mixer with the dough hook, or mix by hand in a large bowl. Add the melted butter and water slowly as the dough hook is turning at speed 1. Alternatively add by hand and use your hand to mix in then knead for about 10 minutes until the dough feels smooth and elastic. In the mixer this will take 4 minutes.

Cover the bowl of dough with clingfilm and leave to prove until double the size. Knock back by giving the dough a few turns in the stand mixer with the dough hook or use your hands. Then roll out into a long belt of dough, ensuring the width of the belt is the same width as your loaf tin is. Measure the height of your loaf tin and double this number – then cut the belt into pieces this long. Scatter cheese evenly on all the pieces, fold and the place upright in the loaf tin, with the open side upwards. Sprinkle with a little flour and cover loosely in clingfilm then leave to prove until double the size.

Bake in a preheated oven at 220C/gas mark 7 for 30 minutes until well risen and golden looking. Cool on a wire rack and remove from the tin as soon as you can. Tear and share whilst still a little warm!

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