Recipes from a Normal Mum

Review & giveaway #34 – Lakeland

Lakeland kindly sent me a whole host of chocolate related goodies for review. This is most definitely my kind of review. Here’s what I thought:

Train mould – As the mother of one train enthusiast this was heaven sent. Max (4) loved this, even took the mould to playschool for show and tell. The detail on the train is amazing, the mould turns out well (you MUST let the chocolate set properly first, don’t be impatient) and it washes easily too. It’s a must have for our little train enthusiast. My only criticism would be that the mould takes a lot of chocolate (850g); I’d love to see a smaller mould.

Two piece Christmas silicone choc mould – These moulds are lovely; they remind me of old fashioned Christmas decorations. They have all the good qualities of the train mould whilst taking less chocolate and also being perfect for topping cupcakes or even a Christmas chocolate cake.

Fairy tale village mould – Another big tick from us. This mould can be used for chocolate or gingerbread. I think this might be a perfect present for kids who want to make a gingerbread house but are scared of getting all the geometry right. Again, washes well, turns out well as long as you grease well.

Silicone thermospatula – I would recommend investing on one of these if you are in any way interested in tempering chocolate. That is, making sure that any chocolate you melt has a wonderful sheen on it once it sets. This spatula has an in built thermometer so no need to balance a thermometer and spatula over a bain marie any more. Great idea.

Dark chocolate – I have a confession to make that my husband and I ate this whole block whilst watching TV and drinking coffee. It was delicious. I can’t comment on it’s melting abilities other than it dissolves well on my tongue as the hot coffee washed over it.

Star treat bags – I have been using these bags to give mini mince pies away to pals in. They’re great for popping a piece of card into, giving the mince pies more stability, very festive indeed.

Homemade stickers – I have to confess that I don’t much like these. They didn’t seem hugely sticky to me. Apart from that, to me there’s something strange about shouting ‘homemade’ when giving a gift that clearly isn’t packaged in supermarket stamped cardboard. Not my thing.

Reindeer gift tags – I love these, they’re really thick and sturdy with a cut out reindeer. Only criticism would be that there’s only 3 per pack. I wanted to adorn all my presents with them.

I have 1 x Lakeland chocolate pack RRP £70 giveaway. There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 17th December 2014. Please note Lakeland will post on a next day delivery up until the 19th, however in the event that any product is unavailable Lakeland will provide an alternative product of the same or greater value.

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