Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway & review #32 – Kitchenalia book

Kitchenalia is one of those books I would probably pick up at my chic friend Anuszka’s house and covet. Then I’d borrow it, keep it for too long and end up having to buy a copy myself. It’s like catnip to anyone who dreams of that perfect kitchen. The place to wile away the hours, uninterrupted, radio on, just you, a huge load of ingredients and a very relaxing space. This is what I dream of. One day…

In this book Vinny Lee takes you through how to furnish and equip your kitchen with flea market finds and period pieces. There are chapters on each of the main kitchen styles as Lee sees them. Retro, reclaimed, white, painted, country, collector’s and utilitarian. I thought I’d be easily able to identify my favourite, almost like doing one of those naff Facebook quizzes on what kind of mother you are. But in every chapter I found elements I liked and would happily steal, in fact I’d almost wilfully mash them up to create a new chapter called The Bell Kitchen.

Lee goes on to talk through various elements that constitute a kitchen; furniture, storage, surfaces, lighting, pots and pans, utensils and gadgets and containers. Luckily right at the back there’s some info on suppliers. I have a fair bit of vintage kitchen bits already. One day I desperately hope I’ll have a beautiful kitchen to store then in. Until then maybe I’ll swoon over books like this. In short, this is a delicious present for a foodie and interiors obsessed friend.

I have 2 x £30 (RRP) Kitchenalia books to giveaway to two people. There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 12th December 2014. How to enter:

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