Recipes from a Normal Mum

Review & Giveaway #20 – Emma Jane’s Bakery button stamps

Who knew a button shaped biscuit could cause such excitement? I popped up a pic of the ginger biscuits I made with these stamps late on a Friday evening and they immediately got quite a response. You can see them here. They’re made by Emma Jane’s Bakery; a little company run by Emma Jane and her partner Owen. They design all the products themselves and you can really tell – there’s an attention to detail you just don’t get with mass produced stamps. The packaging and branding is delightful too. I really enjoyed receiving my stamps in the post. The box they came in felt like a treat – the tissue paper and ribbon carefully chosen. Each stamp has a little tag attached, again by ribbon. This is prime gifting territory folks. I defy anyone not to tingle just a little bit when they unwrap goodies from Emma Jane.

Enough about how they looked. How did they work? Like a dream. I used one of the two recipes provided by Emma Jane and found the ginger biscuit dough very easy to work with. There’s a circular cutter which you place on the dough, stamp in, then you push the button stamp on top (it fits perfectly) to make the impression. Remove the stamp and release the circular biscuit from the dough.

The most intricate stamp stuck in the dough once but I soon managed to sort this out with a quick wash and a dry. Emma provides a trouble shooting tips sheet in case you have any issues with the stamps sticking. I really liked these cutters, as did my son. You do need to be careful washing them. These are not for dishwashers or leaving to soak for hours. They’re hand made stamps with faces made of food-safe nylon, the mount is baltic birch – finished with a food safe, natural wax oil treatment. These are the Rolls Royce of stamps, treat them with respect. 

Things I liked: The packaging is exquisite, the quality of the cutters is high and they work very well. I liked that Emma Jane provides a couple of recipes and is also incredibly friendly. She’s a retail dream.

Things I didn’t like: I’m going to have to address the price. The RRP for this set including the cutter and 4 stamps is £55.99, but you can buy these stamps individually too so as to spread the outlay. They’re not cheap stamps but then again they are made by a small business owner and the standard is high. Plus you can use them for biscuits and also fondant icing. I already have dreams of summery cupcakes with little dainty mint green button toppers. You get what you pay for is what I’m saying.

I have 1 set of 4 button stamps plus a cutter worth £55.99 up for grabs. There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 12th September 2014. How to enter:

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