Recipes from a Normal Mum

Cheesy bread sticks

A very easy alternative to their less healthy cousin, the cheese straw. These are bread based rather than pastry based. Perfect for picnics, little ones, and for dipping.

One year ago: Simple chocolate ganache tart and Meringue roses and Flat vanilla cupcakes

Two years ago: Razzamatazz ribs and Banana and custard cupcakes and After Eight cupcakes

Three years ago: Banana and custard melts

Cheesy bread sticks

Makes about 25, though depends how long or thick you make them


Mix the flour, yeast, salt and olive oil together in a large bowl, then add the water gradually until the mixture is a shaggy mess and is easy to pull together with your hands. Use your Kitchenaid with the dough hook at speed 2 to knead, or your until elastic looking and smooth, then place back in the bowl and cover in clingfilm. Leave to prove for about an hour, until doubled in size.

Once doubled, add the cheese and knock the dough back with your dough hook or hands, giving a good knead to ensure the cheese is well distributed and then place on a well floured work surface. Sprinkle flour over the top of the dough and roll with a rolling pin until about 1cm thick. Use floured scissors to cut the dough into strips about 1cm across then place onto baking sheets prepared with greaseproof paper, about 2cm apart. Once all the dough is cut bake in a preheated oven at 200C/gas mark 6 until golden brown and no longer doughy to touch. They should make a snap sound when broken in two. The bake time all depends on how thick you cut the bread sticks – for 1cm ones about 10 – 12 minutes, turning half way, for fatter ones like the picture this takes a little longer. Cool on a wire rack.

These keep in an air tight tin for 2 weeks if baked until properly dried out.

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