Recipes from a Normal Mum

All I want for Christmas…

…is a cleaner and an ironing lady. But really, I know that isn’t going to happen. Failing that here are a few things I think are rather nice. Some are ideas from folks on my facebook page and others I have bookmarked throughout the year:

Cutlery with personal messages. I know it’s a bit twee but I don’t care. I bought some of these for friends who got engaged recently and they went down well. Loads of crafty folk making these all over folksy and etsy.

I really like bird related stuff at the moment and these little bowls make me weak at the knees. Just imagine the detritus you could store atop them.

This bowl is suitably simple to complement my kitchen – I love a stripe, whether on a dress or a bowl. Perfect for soaking dried fruit in or even serving salads straight to the table.


Look, I’m not saying that Mr Bell is a lush or anything but if I don’t hide a half opened bottle of wine it does seem to disappear. These combination bottle stops could be mighty useful.


This pie set makes me swoon. Love it, love it, love it. Someone buy it for me. Please. I will make pie as a favour.

I am mildly obsessed with blue cheese so if someone were to send a truck load of the stuff from Long Clawson I’d be most obliged. Unfortunately I’d have to freeze it until June as being pregnant I can’t eat it at the mo.

I love Cornish ware and so far have none at all, so I may have invested in a personalised mug for each member of the family. The date for adding ‘Stud Muffin’ to a mug has passed but you can still order the plain, less embarrassing stuff.

Jamie Oliver used a crinkle cut knife on his latest TV show and my Twitter and Facebook stream went mad with people chatting about their purchases. Here’s the one I want to make chips wavier than the waviest thing.

Look, I already have 2 KitchenAids which is beyond greedy… but if Santa wanted to bring me another for my dear husband to use then this would be the one. He likes it a lot. I can see why.

At the moment my sons see Christmas mainly as an opportunity for baking, eating and planning baked goods. This tin from Nordic Ware would possibly send them over the giddy edge of festive hysteria.

As we have rather a lot of folks coming on the Big Day we could really do with some nice new plates and what not. These are beautiful, in fact anything on the Loaf site gets my heart racing. Yes please.

I have always wanted one of these on my bedside table. Unfortunately I don’t have one, more a stack of dusty magazines, but hey, if I did have a table, this would be on it.

That’s it from me. I’m off to do some Christmas shopping, and mince pie eating.

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