Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway #15 – Abra-ca-Debora pancakes hamper

I have to be honest now and say that pancakes are not my thing. I’ve tried over the years, I really have, but I just don’t like them. Luckily my sons adore them so they were willing taste testers for the pancakes sent by Abra-ca-Debora. Their verdict? ‘Lovely Mummy’ from my 4 year old and my 2 year old barely came up for air, just hoovering up the little tiny Yorkshire pudding ones like they were going out of fashion. We kept them in the fridge and found the savoury ones were perfect for when we got home late from a playdate – we just heated them up and filled with some stir fried veg and cream cheese. Dinner quite literally in seconds.

Abra-ca-Debora have a lovely hamper to giveaway, it’s worth £50 and is full of pancakes and pancake related treats. There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date Friday 20th September.

Please note there’s an extra way to enter with this giveaway (on the Rafflecopter form as usual) where you email the lovely people at Abra-ca-Debora to opt into their database. They won’t be passing on your details to anyone else, they would however keep you up to date with any goings on. This is not a mandatory method of entry so if you don’t like joining mailing lists then there’s no need to.


How to enter:

Rules and things:

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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