Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway #12 – A year’s supply of Bar Keepers Friend cleaning products

Cleaning was not something I really thought about until I had children. I was too busy being out and about and not getting my flat dirty. Then I has kids and guess what? If you spend time in the home it ends up in a right old mess. Now I have an unhealthy interest in cleaning products. I want stuff that cleans easily, doesn’t smell like a chemical bomb has gone off in my house and that doesn’t cost the earth.

I’ve been trying out some cleaning goodies from Bar Keepers Friend. They first launched in 1882 but have recently added new lines like the Power Cream and Power Spray, both of which made short work of my sink.  They also don’t smell toxic, which is a pet hate for me in anything cleaning product related. 

Here’s the interesting bit – Bar Keepers Friend has oxalic acid in it – found in rhubarb and unique to Bar Keepers Friend and well, rhubarb (I guess.) A chemist in the USA noticed how his pans were incredibly clean after cooking rhubarb in them. He worked out the reason, extracted the acid and sold it on to tavern owners. Hence the name.

I have a hamper of Bar Keepers Friend goodies to giveaway worth £50 – enough to keep your house clean for about a year. There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 12th July 2013.

How to enter:

Rules and things:

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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