Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway #4 – Pressure & slow cooker books

I am a HUGE fan of my slow cooker. I get very over excited when anyone asks me about slow cooking and start to wax lyrical about all the reasons one should use one and all the tips for making sure you don’t end up with a samey stew every day. There are tricks. But enough of that…

The Everything Indian Slow Cooker Cookbook has so many recipes in it’s difficult for a curry fan like me to know where to start. I have book marked a few including the butter chicken (obviously), rice with chickpeas and the dosa, which doesn’t use the slow cooker. But that’s what I like about this book, it doesn’t try and show-horn every recipe into the slow cooker. It accepts it’s limitations and yet doesn’t miss out the breads and other goodies that aren’t made in it. As usual with the Everything range of books it’s American so expect everything in cups and lots of American words for various vegetables. If you can handle that I think you’ll get on famously with this cookbook. I have this and The Everything Healthy Pressure Cooker Cookbook (with 300 recipes in it!) to giveaway as a bundle worth £29.98. And I have two bundles to giveaway to two lucky readers with get these.

There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date 31st May 2013.

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Good luck everyone!

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