Recipes from a Normal Mum

Blueberry, lime and chocolate chip muffins

I am confused about the number 3. At university and in the world of advertising, anything with three components was a Good Thing. We used to talk a lot about how wonderful, strong and simple the (holy) trinity was. Now I am not so sure; you see every time I mention my thoughts on having baby number 3 I am almost always met with a very strong opinion about why no-one should have three children. And that’s from people who aren’t one of three. Don’t even get me started on those who are.

The usual issue is that one sibling is left out. Well I’m one of one and so I was always the whole team and yet the loner. I have little sympathy for this argument. Besides me and my two best pals spent our whole teenage years as a three. It worked fine. We were a striking trio, one blonde, one ginger and one brunette.

Another issue is the money. As in how nothing fits a family of 5. You need a special bus type car, package holidays don’t fit, family cinema tickets are for 4 etc. Well, we already have the car with 7 seats so that’s ticked off. And we’re creatures of habit and tend to holiday in the UK in cottages so that’s sorted too. The cinema? I only took the boys the other day for the first time and youngest son starting shouting ‘I’ve got wind’ an hour into the film and so we had to leave. (He did to be fair.)

Time, energy and hands are the last trinity of reasons. Not enough of any of them. I can’t argue with the hands one, but time… I can create time surely? And energy… That’s what coffee’s for.

These muffins are super quick to make. Perfect for if you have lots of kids and no time.

Comments, as always, welcomed. Especially wisdom regarding the number 3.

One year ago: Baileys chocolate fridge cake truffles  and Experimental banana loaf

Two years ago: Cherry, white choc and apricot biscuits and Reeses’ inspired chocolate and peanut tart andSesame, quinoa and carrot salad

Blueberry, lime and chocolate chip muffins

Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas 6 and check the rack is in the centre of the oven. Line a muffin tray with 12 cases. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and zest in a bowl and stir really well. In a measuring jug pour the milk, lime juice, eggs and melted butter. Mix this together with a fork and don’t worry if the butter starts to re-solidify into little bits. This will happen if your milk is icy cold from the fridge and still makes for lovely muffins.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ones and mix gently with a fork until everything just comes together – don’t treat like a cake mixture as this’ll make your muffins tough. Add the blueberries and chocolate chips and gently stir through. Fill your cases to the top and then bake for about 25 minutes until golden and the blueberries start to pop and leave their jam on the top of the muffins. Cool on a wire rack out of the tin and enjoy with a lot of kids.

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