Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway #9 – Tickets to Cake International

The lovely people at Cake International have given me 2 free tickets to giveaway! If you haven’t been to Cake International before, it’s basically heaven for all folk obsessed with cake decorating. Loads of ideas shared, the latest kit to buy, competitions, demos and workshops. It’s at the NEC, Birmingham on Friday 9th, Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th November 2012. Two adult tickets are worth £24. Just to be clear there’s one prize available consisting of 2 tickets so you can take a pal with you if you win, you can also chose which day you attend.

There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date Friday 21st September.

How to enter:

Rules and things:

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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