Recipes from a Normal Mum

Giveaway #6 – Nielsen-Massey extracts & cookbook

Once upon a time we all used flavourings and thought nothing of it. It was fine. We were 5 years old, all we cared about was licking the bowl clean afterwards and how many rice paper Care Bears/Thomas’ we could snaffle before they were attached to our glace icing topped cakes. Not any more! Now we’re grown ups and we like extracts. They are much nicer after all.

So here is a baker’s delight of extracts from the lovely people at Nielsen-Massey. Here are the details of the booty:

·         A limited edition of Nielsen-Massey vanilla cookbook £17.58

·         Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract £3.52

·         Nielsen-Massey Pure Lemon Flavour Extract £4.99

·         Nielsen-Massey Pure Rose Flavour Extract £5.99

·         Nielsen-Massey Pure Almond Flavour Extract £4.99

Add that all up and you have an RRP of around 40 quid! Excellent work for a bit of blog surfing and commenting methinks.

There are lots of ways to enter – see the Rafflecopter form below. The first way is just to leave a comment on this post. Easy peasy. Closing date Tuesday 24th July.

How to enter:

Rules and things:

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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