Recipes from a Normal Mum

Homemade sausage meat with onion two ways

Nope, it’s not a mistake. I admit defeat. I cannot make sausage meat look attractive. Not in its pure sausagey meaty form. So here’s a picture of our fridge instead.

Before I met Mr. B I used to have fantasies about meeting a lovely man, getting married, having babies and then buying alphabet magnets for the fridge. Well, despite my lamenting to anyone who’d listen that I’d never meet ‘the one’ the fantasy did indeed come true and here’s the pictorial proof.

I never thought I’d be the type of woman who makes her own sausage meat. I also never thought I’d receive a sausage making attachment for my second wedding anniversary. Goodness, I love my husband. We have not looked back. It’s a whole different world of sausage worship. If you can, do it. You won’t regret it.

Here’s my recipe for a good basic sausage meat. It tastes great in sausage rolls – using homemade puff pastry or not. You could add anything to it really. Leeks would be nice perhaps.


Cut the pork belly and shoulder into 1 inch cubes and start to feed through your meat mincing attachment. This takes a while so start this off first. Do not be tempted to put the bacon through first – it tends to clog the attachment up. Bacon goes through last.

Fry half of the onion in the oil and the sugar on a low heat until it starts to turn a caramelly brown colour. Remove from the heat and let cool.

Once you have all the meat minced grab a large bowl and put everything into it. Then roll up your sleeves and start to squelch. That’s the best way to describe the sensation as you hand mix sausage meat. It’s quite satisfying and really the best way to get the lot well combined.

That’s it. Use as you wish. We have ours in sausage rolls. We have it for dinner fried in little stuffing like patties wrapped in bacon and sage leaves. Charlie has it fried in tiny balls for dinner with Smiley Faces. Max hasn’t had it yet but give him time. Freezes well too.

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