Recipes from a Normal Mum

In search of the perfect brownie

If a brownie were a person it would be the kind of girl everyone has an opinion about.

Mr. B had a birthday recently and needed some baked goods to take to his office. I wanted to make brownies but hesitated… everyone always has an opinion about the perfect brownie and swears anything that deviates from their norm is just, well, not right. I wasn’t sure I could subject him to the office discussion. It was his birthday after all. And then I remembered he’s a boy and doesn’t care about such things.

I have tried a LOT of brownie recipes but I reckon this is my favourite. Though please do send/post alternatives as the search for the perfect brownie is a never ending quest in my world that it’s unlikely I’ll get bored of.

I call these harlequin toffee brownies but they don’t really need the elaborate title. Adapted from Good Food Cakes and Bakes


Pop the oven onto Gas 3 and line a tray you’re going to pop your brownies in. I like my brownies large and flatish so go for a large tray, but for normal size brownies maybe a 9 inch tray would be better.

Very easy to make these. Melt the butter and both chocs in a saucepan then set aside to cool. This bit’s important as you don’t want to end up with scrambled eggs. In the meantime whisk the eggs until pale and then add the sugar until it looks all glossy and lovely. Fold choc mix into the eggy sugary mix then sift the flour and baking powder onto the top and fold in gently.

Bake for 30ish minutes until a skewer comes out with a few bits of cakey mix still on it. Then cool on a wire rack for 2 hours before you attempt to cut it. As I like my brownies really squidgy I tend to put in the fridge before cutting just to be on the safe side.

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